Bluebells Model Resiliency

Natives to the North Laramie Mountain Range in Wyoming are very familiar with extraordinary resilience of a little wildflower we simply call, “bluebells”.  Bluebells are one of the first flowers to bloom after the long winter.  After they bloom in May, we usually get at least one bad blizzard. Those blizzards hit with incredible fierceness and mercilessness. As our temperatures plummet, the howling wind drives the heavy, moisture laden snow horizontally with incredible fury. The bluebells are quickly buried in drifts of snow—sometimes a foot of it! 

I took this photo on our ranch after one such storm had subsided. I wanted to document how the bluebells emerge from the snowbanks, hopeful and wiser for the ordeal they have just been through. It is a lesson I’ve tried to adopt in my life. Brutal trials don’t have to destroy us. They can, if accepted with humility and faith in Jesus Christ, improve and refine us. I have created this place to provide perspective, encouragement, and hope on your sacred journey of increased resilience, overcoming and personal progression. Welcome to the Bluebells in Blizzards Blog! 

By Celia Corson

This is the testing site, for the soon to be coming, Bluebell in Blizzards Blog site!